Guernsey Scouts Volunteer Campaign
This project began almost a year ago when Jenny went to see the Community Foundation about volunteering, from there she was put in touch with the then Scouts Commissioner Julie Bulpitt to see how she could help them and it turns out design skills are a desired skill when it comes to volunteering. Together they decided to work on ideas for a campaign to recruit more Scout volunteers across all avenues of the organisation. After a few brainstorming evenings Jenny soon realised that this project was perhaps larger than her free time allowed so approached us to see if the studio would take it on as a charity project, of course we said yes, so Two Degrees North have been volunteering for the Scouts the past year.
Now to the campaign: It has two main strands tying into the overall concept of having time to volunteer. One of the main points the Scouts were keen to communicate was that anytime you spend volunteering is valuable, whether it be one hour a week or one hour a year, it all helps keep the organisation running. So by adding the word 'Time' in front of their well know motto 'Be prepared' we created the headline "Time to be prepared…" We wanted to create a buzz of local interest as we launched the campaign so we came up with the idea of having tents displayed around the island in the Scout purple with our new headline emblazoned across them. This not only gained a lot of public attention, it also helped the media outlets get behind the campaign. The tents were up for a week and then at the end of the week we put up Scout banners to show who they belonged to and manned stands at two of the sites to hand out flyers and get people to sign up to volunteer.
Which leads onto the second strand of the campaign – Our printed media for the campaign uses the headline "Time to be prepared…" followed by "to volunteer" and is supported by an adapted clock face/Scouts badge. We've designed posters to be displayed on the buses island-wide, A5 flyers to be handed out, a bus back advert, and pull-up banners, outdoor banners and flyer banners to be used on stalls all to build on the initial cryptic message. We will also be helping the Scouts with their social media coverage for the next couple of weeks so that the campaign can reach more people.
Special thanks goes to Nick Paluch, Scouts Bailiwick Commissioner and the Scouts team who helped realise the campaign, and to Chris George for his photography coverage across the week.