100%GSY Guernsey Restaurant Guide 2020
Two weeks before Guernsey was sent in to lockdown and the world turned on its head, we received thousands of our beautifully designed and printed copies of the 100%GSY Guernsey Restaurant Guide 2020, with the usual intention to distribute them widely across the island. For nearly two months all restaurants in the Bailiwick have been unable to open but at the time of writing, lockdown restrictions have started to ease. Thankfully restaurants are now able to offer Take Aways and hopefully in the coming weeks al fresco dining may also be allowed. Whilst we are currently unable to distribute the Restaurant Guides we have decided to put a digital version online so that customers in the Bailiwick can use the Guides as a way of helping them once again choose which Restaurant to go to or get their Take Away from. You can find the digital version here: https://issuu.com/twodegreesnorth/docs/100_gsy_restaurant_guide_2020__sp_ please bookmark this in your favourites and use it as a great reference tool. We hope everyone is able to support their local restaurants and help them to get back on their feet.